Friday, December 29, 2006

Week 2; 1st Run

I am so out of shape! WOW! Today was a detox day. I could feel the nastiness of the past week leaving my skin. If you were at the gym today and avoided a disgusting sweaty girl in pink - that was me. I even taste bad.

I didn't push it too hard on speed because today was the increase to 60 seconds of running and 2 minutes of rest. I stuck with 3.3 - 4.4 mph with no incline.

I also am having issues with my feet that the chiropractor is confounded about. And it's starting to affect my other foot and my hips, so I'm wearing shoes around the house and if it doesn't get better this week then he's going to start talking about x-rays and gait analysis. fun stuff.

I DID however, really enjoy the sauna today. I love detox day!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Still in Week One, but moving on

Since I haven't been to the gym in a week and I've self-medicated using high sugar, high fat, and high starch items (alcohol included) during that week I expected my return to the treadmill to be miserable. It was great!

I barely felt winded, and I even increased my speed slightly. I started this program walking at 3.3 mph and running at 4.4. I have slowly increased my walk to 3.5 and run to 4.4-4.6, depending on my heart rate after my rest period.

So tomorrow or Friday I will start Week two.

Foodwise today was another bad day. In fact I'm currently in the middle of a battle with the bag of delicious chocolate covered coffee beans that are sitting on the desk. They're amazing - covered in a dusting of cocoa powder. YUM. I'm in so much trouble with the caffeine police and chocolate guard.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Fattness

So I didn't get over my cold quick enough and used it as an excuse to not go the gym for the past two days, and since it's Christmas I'm sure my butt is twice is wide as last week. I decided to binge on Wheat, Dairy, and eggs (light on the eggs - I don't like screaming infants).

For those who don't know me we have a food sensitivity problem in my house. I have a diary and egg problem, and my son and daughter have those and wheat. So we rarely eat normal fun food. cheese, scrambled eggs, cake and cookies are all out of the question. Except during Christmas! HA HA!

Tomorrow I'm planning on jumping back on the program, but I think I will probably stick with week one for two more workouts, just to make sure I don't overdo it. I'm not in a rush. I just want the long term results of being in shape. I find that if I overwork myself too early and I raise my expectations, that they're much more disappointing and I don't get back up when I've fallen off of the wagon and the wagon wheels are too high.

Wish me luck!

Friday, December 22, 2006

My First Post!

I'm starting this blog, inspired by Robert Ullrey's blog and the motivation I could possibly give to other people. (I'm also help more accountable.)

This is my third official attempt at the Couch-to-5K program from I love this program, but babies keep getting in the way! Since I'm no longer preggo and probably won't be ever (knock on wood) this is a great place for me to start, so that I can eventually run a marathon.

Today is a rest day for me. I ran on Monday and Wednesday using Robert's podcasts and it was awesome. I can't stand watching the timer or clock when I'm trying so hard to stay motivated to run for the entire 30 minutes. This made the time pass much more quickly and I was able to rely on him to tell me when to speed up and slow down. That gave my brain some rest time. I ran over 1.5 miles on the treadmill both days, and it wasn't hard. I was mildly sore after the first day, but not so sore that I couldn't move.

I'm hoping I feel much better tomorrow. I've been sick all week. Tomorrow will be my last run in Week One. I'm not sure I'm ready to move up to the next week, but I'm going to see what happens. I'll post more when I get there.