Sunday, April 29, 2007

Alaska Heart Run Mission Complete

So I ran my first 5K! I spent the morning telling myself (and Ann) that I was Oprah. If she could run a marathon surely I could run a 5K. Not walk. But alas that was not the case. I still ran most of it, but there was definetely some walking coming in.

I finished with a time of 46:19, which put me in 106th place for my age group in women. That's only 7 from the bottom! ha ha! I came in 721st place for women overall. That's out of 803 female runners. Not bad for my first.

I'm going to do another run on May 12th so my plan is to start running a two mile run that's near my house for the next week, pushing myself during each of those runs. Then start to extend that run a little farther the next week. Part of my biggest hurdle is the darn jogger stroller. I love it because I can just walk out my front door to run, but it's heavy as hell and makes me run a lot slower.

And having a little girl pestering you when you can't breath is also a little trying...but adorable and enjoyable at the same time.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Unfaithful on Death Row

I'm a bad blogger. and I'm probably even a worse runner, but tomorrow is my first 5K and I'm hoping I run more than I walk. i would really really love to run the whole thing. I think I may have a chance. My steps will just be really really short. Wish me luck!

Monday, April 9, 2007


I don't care if a million people can run farther or faster or longer than me. I kick ass! I ran for twently minutes straight on Saturday. I run about as fast as a baby crawls, but I did it for twenty minutes! That's a first for me. Or at least a first since I was in junior high. And even then I think I was a really bad runner. I start week six - wish me luck!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spring is the new Caffeine!

So I am back on the running wagon because I don't have to deal with the gym anymore. It's FREAKIN' AWESOME! I can walk right out my frontdoor and run down a worldclass unbelievably beautiful trail anytime I want. And I am completely prepared with my pepperspray in one hand and my ipod on my arm. it's so great!

I've been absent this past month because my son got separation anxiety, then teething, then everyone got sick and I got lazy and depressed. No more. I am now officially a runner. I'm declaring myself a runner. I have runners legs under this jiggly butt.

I ran 2 miles with my sis-in-law the other day for 3 five minute intervals with 3 minute walks inbetween. Then yesterday I did two 8 minutes intervals for 1.89 miles! Tomorrow is my 20 minute run. I'm not going to get down about it, I'm just going to do it! I thought about doing it today but I'd rather do some easter shopping!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Big Fat Lazy Butt

I've been stuck on week four for 2 weeks, and it looks like it might be that way for awhile. My son has finally let separation anxiety come to visit and my Hubby will be working extra long hours this month, so leaving him the daycare won't do, leaving me with not much running to be had.

I'm aching to get the jogging stroller out and start running in the neighborhood though. As soon as that happens I won't have time to blog because I live in the greatest place in Alaska for just taking a jog.

I know I don't really have an excuse for not exercising in general though. I have a zillion workout tapes and some great equipment. I just get so annoyed when I have to be interrupted a thousand times by kids in the middle of a workout. Makes me not want to start.

Woe is me and my big fat booty.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This Week Four stuff ain't so bad!

I actually did much better on this run. I wasn't as nervous so I just let things go the way they are supposed to and I did great. Not quite 2 miles, but I didn't cool down for 5+ minutes. I was in a hurry to get back home.

I'm excited to keep on track. I want to move to the next week. The only downside to this podcast is the music. I know that in order for him to broadcast them on the internet he had to used canned music or stuff that he wrote and recorded, but man, it's a drag.

And what the hell is wrong with using closed captioning on the tvs at the gym? I keep forgetting to ask, but this one club I go to doesn't EVER have them on. So strange. So I have to sit there and imagine the trash that is coming out of New York's mouth and hoping that Oprah doesn't say something to awe inspiring.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Doing the two mile dance

I finished this morning's run at 2 miles! WAHOO! Sweet! And I just realized my feet don't hurt at all today! unh unh unh unh (dance music)

So week four was kind of boring. Knowing that Robert wouldn't be cutting in to stop me and make me walk or run meant I had to entertain myself the entire time I was running. I guess this is the part where I figure out how to entertain myself - how the heck am I ever supposed to run a marathon if I can't keep myself going?

Time to get imaginative.

And dance! doo doo do doooooo

Friday, February 16, 2007

Kickin' Ass

It's been a couple of days, but I did a Week 3 run on Wednesday and rocked it! The last minute of the 3 minute run was tough, but the rest of the run was cake. So I'm going to step it up tomorrow morning to the Week 4 workout. Wahoo! I love seeing progress.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Back on Track!

WAHOO! I'm back in the running. My left foot still is being a bitch, but I figure I'll just have to run through it. I'm taking it steady and slow, but I'm so excited to be on track again.

I ran the other night, week two again, and felt really good about it. I'm not necessarily counting my ww points, but I AM watching what I eat each meal and trying not to graze too much in the middle. We'll see what happens. Tonight I'm going for Week 3 so I'll update tomorrow how that went!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

2nd times a fart

My feet still hurt like a bitch. BUT at least I'm trying. That's what I keep telling myself. I found my headphones, but when I turned on my iPod all of my podcasts that I've listened to previously are gone. That's when I remembered that I had to do a hard reset to my iPod and all my settings were reset.

So I listen to Tool instead. It was needed, trust me. I'm going to step it up on Friday. Although I'm really starting to feel nervous about my feet. I don't want to have crazy crooked toes because I run. But I don't have $400 dollars to drop on a new pair of running shoes, and I really don't want to have surgery on my feet when I've got to take care of two little kids.

Whine whine whine

Monday, February 5, 2007

Back on Track

Headphoneless I trudged my way back to the gym. I didn't restart the program because I couldn't do it without Robert. He's the running god in my ipod. He spurs me on, lets me know when I can relax, and makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

But the biggest thing about today was my actually going. I'm going again on wednesday and if I can find my beloved ear buds will be starting again. I'm also going to knock five lbs off asap, so that I can get a better rate on life insurance. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Feet Unveiled

So my feet problems have been correctly diagnosed by a podiatrist. I do NOT have a bone "out" in my foot. I have a pinched nerve called a Neuroma. My other foot does not have a bone spur, but a Bunion. (I always thought those were like nasty wart-like smelly things. bunion/onion. They sound the same.)

So I got a standard arch support insert from him and then my Myofascial therapist put a little pad underneath my big toe to help alleviate the strain from the bunion.

My nerve hasn't flared up today at all so far. But my left foot is feeling the strain from the change in position. I have a feeling I will adjust, but it's no fun.

I think I'll probably get back on the running schedule this weekend or next week. I just wanted to heal a little more first.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Not working out yet

So this week has been sit on my ass week. I did some pilates, but my feet are still in bad shape so I've been avoiding the gym altogether. I DID buy a swimsuit though (and get waxed - OUCH) so I'm ready for the pool. I think I might swing over there tomorrow and try not to drown.

After I meet with the podiatrist of course.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Skinny Pants Dance

Yes sirree - I wore a pair of my pre-preggo jeans and they fit! I'm so excited. I tried them on after I stood on the scale midweek (yes I know I'm not supposed to do that) and it said I was 176. So first I did the birthday suit dance all the way to my closet. Two pounds was what I was waiting for. I'm still only in one pair though, so I'm driven to get back into the other ones.

I'm less whiney than the other day and am trying to feel empowered by my new dietary requirements. I'm gonna get so skinny if I can stick with it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

So I'm a little whacky

When I married my husband I was on antidepressants. I didn't seek advice from a psychiatrist, I just got an appointment with one and said, "Give me drugs". That's a far cry from the person I am now. (there is a point to all of this..stick with me!)

When I miscarried our second baby in one year the Obstetrician we were seeing immediately (within five minutes of discovering our miscarriage) suggested a drug called Clomid. There was no investigation as to why we were miscarrying, but only his suggestion that we take drugs to prevent a further miscarriage.

After all of the trauma of two miscarriages and my anxiety issues we were becoming more and more frustrated with the medical community. This was the turning point for me. Hubby and I took a friend's advice and made an appointment with Dr. Jason Harmon who is a Naturopathic physician. We had no idea what we were doing, we just knew what we didn't want to do.

He spent two hours talking with us, asking me all sorts of questions that I didn't think related to getting pregnant, but I answered them anyway. We left with a supplement in hand that would hopefully help and were on our way. A month later we were pregnant with our daughter.

I became a believer in the naturopathic community. This being said, I have not thrown out western medecine, but I think once you open the door to pandoras box you can't close it. I have found myself so aware of my body and the sensetivities it has that I have high doubts that western medecine will do much good for the annoying ailments I have. All of which are not something I can ignore.

#1 - Yeast Infection - Not something you can really ignore if you want to have a normal (sex) life.

#2 - Foot Pain which is now becoming back and knee pain - this is also unavoidable when you're trying to get in shape and sitting on your butt all day to stay off of your feet doesn't work.

#3 - Nursing a baby and they have allergies (and so do I)

#3 is really the point of this post. I have had blood work done in the past to discover what food sensitivities I may have. It was over two years ago, so I had blissfully forgotten the enormous list and narrowed it down to Eggs and Dairy. Because really my only concern, at this point, is whether or not those things make my kid scream after he eats.

Today we revisited the list and began the allergy elimination that should help me feel better overall. But in the meantime I have to eliminate the allergens (FOODS!) for the next six weeks at minimum.

Egg Whites
Egg Yolks
Cows Milk
Goats Milk
Kidney Beans
BEEF!!! (can you believe it?)
And the finale: Wheat (not my allergy but my son's)

I think that's it. There might be one or two more, but I can't recall.

My Hubby is being supportive, but he's on the end of his patience. I am too. There is a part of me that thinks I'm being a hypochondriac, but then I eat cheese or an egg and I can't poop for two days. Then I'm in pain for a week (thanks to my friend Hemi).

So cheer me on, because I'm eating nothing for the next six weeks and I'm pretty sure that means I'll get skinny (or I'll be pissed!).

Monday, January 22, 2007

Major Upset!

This couch to 5K endeavor is going to be on hiatus for awhile. My feet problems have worsened since I started training and I believe I may be in some feet trouble.

It started with needing an adjustment in my right foot. Nothing more than that. But it was stuck and now it's just a day to day thing on how my right foot feels. But after this occurred my gait changed to accomodate the pain and now my left foot is having major problems. My heel hurts really bad after sitting for a long time when I first step on it.

When I put some thought into it I realized that the tiny bone spur on the side of my foot may be contributing to the problem and that there may be more than one. I have been intending to take care of it, but it never hurt before so I didn't worry about it. However I've noticed recently that the skin over it seems to be more red than my other foot.

My doctor "prescribed" castor oil pack treatments, so that's what I'm doing, but after doing some reading online I realize that running may be making the entire problem worse. So I'm now doing the castor oil and breaking from running. I will probably ride a stationary bike for now, until I can get a new swimsuit to swim in. Then I'll hit the pool. I love bikes, but not stationary ones.

Also to help aid in my overall goal of weight loss I'm recommitted to my weight watchers points, so I'm going to start journaling that portion of this journey as well. Since I have YET to lose more than a pound since I started running! GGGRRRR!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Week 3: Run 3

Wahoo! I've made it to week 3! I'm excited because I can't remember the last time I could run this long. It's been forever!

Today I did 1.54 miles at my typical, slow 3.3 - 4.3 pace. But I don't care. I'll work on speed when I get to week 10!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Week 3: Run 2

I have been pathetic at running this week. But I had a great excuse. Kate came to visit. That meant that there would be not exercising, but plenty of alcohol and sugar. I made sure to fulfill the latter committment to the bad stuff but did not step foot near the gym.

I drug myself there today and am now very glad I did. It wasn't a stellar run, but I finished it, then did 30 minutes of weights. I will probably go back tomorrow even though I should rest, and slam in my 3rd run.

I did 1.47 miles in 25 minutes. 3.3 - 4.3 mph.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Week 3: Run 1

So this run isn't as long as the other runs, which didn't occur to me. I just listen to the voice and he tells me what to do. But it was still hard. I'm in the phase where I'm getting "injured". My knees, ankles, hips and shins all hurt when I start running. They generally feel better when I'm done, but then I'm too tired to care!

I ran 1.52 today at 3.3 - 4.4.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Self Destructive and Lazy

I haven't exactly tried to get to the gym this week. I'm in a funk and it's frikkin cold ass outside. So I resolve to get back on the treadmill tomorrow. And I'm starting week 3, and I'm expecting it to hurt!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Week 2: Run 4

I kick big booty! I thought I would do the week 2 run one more time to make sure I didn't feel too worn out. And I did awesome. It was an easy run today and makes me think that I might skip my recovery day and start Week 3 tomorrow. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

I also stepped up the speed this morning. 3.4-4.6 mph. And even though the original pain in my right foot is still present, the other pains I was having have subsided. So I think it might have been a combination of both postpartum pain and new running pain.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Week 2: Run 3

Today was such a better running day than the last run, except now my knee is bothering me. I'm not sure if these are running related pains or if I'm having postpartum aches and my body is still readjusting. I've got an appointment with a myofascial therapist in two weeks, so we'll see then what's going on.

I think I need to take a break from my Chiropractor's office. I'm starting to feel like they're just selling to me. The aches and pains I'm feeling don't seem to be getting any better and it never really ends. I could also just be feeling exhausted from having so many darned appointments with doctors. After having a baby I just want everyone in that profession to go away.

I forgot to check exactly how much I ran today but I'm sure it was at least 1.7, so I'll log that. My intervals were: 0% incline, 3.3 - 4.4. Then I laid in the sauna and sweat out the rest. I LOVE the sauna.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Week 2: Run 2

Crappy-dappity-doo! That's what I felt like today. I'm not sure if it's my total lack of sleep, the chocolate-marshmallow meltdown from the night before, or the fact that I ran on a completely empty stomach. However you jog it (get it? instead of slice it? ha ha...laugh you fools!), I did not "perform" all that well today.

Both of my feet have started acting up. I'm figuring out what I'm doing to aggravate the situation, but it's not yet repairing the damage, so I'm dreading what might be coming when I get back to the doctor. I didn't even look at my mileage, because I'm pretty sure I only ran 1.5 miles. I didn't finish my cooldown and I didn't run my last 90 second burst.

BUT...tomorrow is another day!