When I married my husband I was on antidepressants. I didn't seek advice from a psychiatrist, I just got an appointment with one and said, "Give me drugs". That's a far cry from the person I am now. (there is a point to all of this..stick with me!)
When I miscarried our second baby in one year the Obstetrician we were seeing immediately (within five minutes of discovering our miscarriage) suggested a drug called
Clomid. There was no investigation as to why we were miscarrying, but only his suggestion that we take drugs to prevent a further miscarriage.
After all of the trauma of two miscarriages and my anxiety issues we were becoming more and more frustrated with the medical community. This was the turning point for me. Hubby and I took a friend's advice and made an appointment with
Dr. Jason Harmon who is a Naturopathic physician. We had no idea what we were doing, we just knew what we didn't want to do.
He spent two hours talking with us, asking me all sorts of questions that I didn't think related to getting pregnant, but I answered them anyway. We left with a supplement in hand that would hopefully help and were on our way. A month later we were pregnant with our daughter.
I became a believer in the naturopathic community. This being said, I have not thrown out western medecine, but I think once you open the door to pandoras box you can't close it. I have found myself so aware of my body and the sensetivities it has that I have high doubts that western medecine will do much good for the annoying ailments I have. All of which are not something I can ignore.
#1 -
Yeast Infection - Not something you can really ignore if you want to have a normal (sex) life.
#2 - Foot Pain which is now becoming back and knee pain - this is also unavoidable when you're trying to get in shape and sitting on your butt all day to stay off of your feet doesn't work.
#3 - Nursing a baby and they have allergies (and so do I)
#3 is really the point of this post. I have had blood work done in the past to discover what food sensitivities I may have. It was over two years ago, so I had blissfully forgotten the enormous list and narrowed it down to Eggs and Dairy. Because really my only concern, at this point, is whether or not those things make my kid scream after he eats.
Today we revisited the list and began the allergy elimination that should help me feel better overall. But in the meantime I have to eliminate the allergens (FOODS!) for the next six weeks at minimum.
Egg Whites
Egg Yolks
Cows Milk
Goats Milk
Kidney Beans
BEEF!!! (can you believe it?)
And the finale: Wheat (not my allergy but my son's)
I think that's it. There might be one or two more, but I can't recall.
My Hubby is being supportive, but he's on the end of his patience. I am too. There is a part of me that thinks I'm being a hypochondriac, but then I eat cheese or an egg and I can't poop for two days. Then I'm in pain for a week (thanks to my friend Hemi).
So cheer me on, because I'm eating nothing for the next six weeks and I'm pretty sure that means I'll get skinny (or I'll be pissed!).